Day 25

Hello! Thanks for bearing with me as I catch up on posts and update you all on the most recent happenings on the Camino.  On Saturday I walked 27km, and my Dad got a taxi ahead to El Acebo. He decided that because his knee didn’t feel any better it was not worth...

Day 24

Hello dear friends! Today (Friday), my Dad wanted to try and walk, so that he did! He sent his pack ahead to the hostel we would be at, and off we went. It was an 11km day, and he made it! However, probably not the wisest decision. He was in a fair amount of pain, and...

Day 23

Hello dear friends! Todays update is a little different. Unfortunately Dad’s knee has not improved and he could barely walk in the morning. It was very obvious we wouldn’t be walking that day, so we got a taxi to the hospital. We were able to get in very quickly, and...

Day 22

Helloooo,  Today (Wednesday) we stumbled across the best surprise!! We began our way to Astorga, only a quick 14km from where we were, and at approximately 8km there was a really cool stop on the side of the road. A gentleman set up a giant table with a massive...

Day 21

Hi friends!  Today was a lovely lovely day! We had a 15km day which flew by. On our way to our final destination we came across a festival. We have absolutely no idea what the holiday was, but we heard there was some type of festival happening in the area,...

Day 20

Hello, it feels like it’s been so long since I posted! These past few days have been a complete blur. All I know is that Monday morning we left Leon, and ended up somewhere. Don’t ask me where, I can’t remember. I’ve been hustling every day to catch up to my Dad, and...

Day 19 – Life on the Camino

Drugs are the best! A few days ago “Hector” the author of the book titled, “Hector.  The Path Taken”  about his journey on the Camino with his youngest son, introduced me to the wonderful world of Ibuprofen! My ankles no longer hurt...

Day 18

The Meseta is complete! We finished the official “Meseta” portion of the Camino as we walked into the big city of Leon on Saturday. Although I knew we would make it, it almost felt like we would never get there.  My Dad has been walking quicker and farther than...

Day 17

Hola!! Today (Friday) we made our way another 18km and got to Mansilla de las Mulas. Tomorrow, we will be making our way into the big city of Leon!  We had a pretty good and steady walk. I let substantially later than my Dad and we met up at a cafe for lunch....

Day 16

Hello! Today we completed 18km (I’m pretty sure) and got to get another small village called El Burgo Ranero. Today was a relatively tough day for us both. My Dad and I were both feeling quite exhausted, and he even commented on how much slower I seemed to be. Which,...