Day 11 – Tough

Hi all! Today we completed 22km and are staying in Zubiri for the night! It was a big day. Due to some circumstances, today was actually the first day we walked with our packs on. And oh boy, does it make a difference. Although there were less inclines today, the...

Day 10 – The Pyrenees Complete

Hi all! Today we walked 15km through the Pyrenees mountains to finish off the section and made our way in Roncesvalles, Spain!  We walked in winds up to 40km/h, quite literally being blown off the trail, walking like a drunker sailor trying not to fall over....

Day 9 – So It Begins! 

Hey everyone! Today we completed Day 1 of the Camino. 11km down, 789 to go! It was tough but beautiful! We started with fog and chilly weather, but quickly pulled off layers due to the dramatic incline instantaneously. We walked 11km at almost a consistent 17% incline...

Day 7 – A Restful Day

Hello! Today was nice and slow + relaxing. Being our last full day here, we took lots in, but slowed the pace. And it was sunny ALL day, what a blessing! Today is Divine Mercy Sunday in the Catholic liturgical world, and I like think God had mercy on us today and...

Day 6 – A Full + Long Day

Bonjour! This is a very late (and longer) post for our day 6 adventures. Yesterday, we were out from 0830-2300, and by the time we returned to our hotel I was EXHAUSTED (and honestly a bit grumpy because of it), so I decided to post pone the blog in lieu of much...