Bonjour! This is a very late (and longer) post for our day 6 adventures. Yesterday, we were out from 0830-2300, and by the time we returned to our hotel I was EXHAUSTED (and honestly a bit grumpy because of it), so I decided to post pone the blog in lieu of much needed sleep. 

On Saturday we had a very full day in Lourdes, attempting to see + do as much as we could, since we anticipated leaving today. However, after realizing travel is very limited on Sunday’s, we are staying one more night and leaving Lourdes on Monday morning. 

Yesterday we started the day by attending Latin Mass in a beautiful little church very high on a hill. We sourced out some ‘proper’ coffee, which has proven to be a tough endeavour. Rather than getting a tiny cup with espresso, we were able to find a Grand Cafe, AKA ‘American Coffee’, which comes in a regular sized cup. My Dad was extremely pleased!

We went to the Grotto for the Rosary, explored Museum’s, visited the 3 Basilica’s on site, attended Confession, toured St. Bernadette’s home, and also attempted to watch a video on Lourdes (twice) and both times ended up in the French showing haha. We again participated in the Torchlight Procession and this time it was SO much nicer because we had no rain! You could actually see all the candles. I did “the Way” on my own, which is a walk that follows the Stations of the Cross, with a total of 115 statues that depict each station. Yesterday was a very full, very long, but very beautiful and holy day! We love Lourdes. 

Thankfully we stayed dry yesterday with our new poncho’s, and even with all the rain had such a good time. There’s been lots of eating (on my part) trying new foods and baked goods. I’ve also been working hard on using the little French I still know, with my favourite phrase being “je ne sais pas”! Hahaha. 

We’ve met lots of wonderful people so far, and it’s really building the excitement for the Camino. The closer it gets my nerves build, wondering if I’ll make it through, but I am also so excited to get going and see what the Camino is all about!

Tonight I’ll be posting again for Day 7, but thank you for your understanding as I delayed this one. And thank you for reading along. We have been praying for all of you + your intentions. Don’t forget you can comment or email me if you’d like to share prayer intentions or say hello! We would love to hear from you! We are missing you all! 

Buen Camino!

Hannah + Tony