Hello everyone! Day 12 is done, and fittingly, we completed another 12km on our 4th day of walking. Today was hot and slow. We slept in this morning, and by 0845 were on the road. The heat did us in come early afternoon and made every step that little bit harder. 

I’ve chosen to completely cover with long sleeves, pants, and a hat. My Dad has opted for pants, a hat, and *short* sleeves, causing some decent sunburn. I’m not sure if it’s legit, but the sun in Spain and France seems hotter haha. My hands are basically the only skin exposed and they’ve been tanning as I walk with my poles (and I don’t tan well so that’s unusual). 

We stopped for lunch at a cute little restaurant along the way, picked up some fruit from a gentleman selling goods on the side of the road, and I dunked my feet in a cold river which helped immensely. 

For the night we are staying at a Parish run hostel, overseen by religious sisters, in Zabaldika. We were given a tour and history of the church, we got to ring the bell (the oldest bell in Navarra region and the only one you are allowed to personally ring), and had a lovely community gathering of sharing, prayer and music in the church after a communal dinner. This hostel is so full of love and joy. It’s also nice that it’s so small because you really get to know the people here and build community. 

Unfortunately it started to rain as our clothes were drying so they’re all now hanging off our bed, in hopes that come morning we will have clean AND dry clothes haha. 

Tomorrow we will arrive in Pamplona and hopefully have lots of the day to relax and explore. Personally, my calves are very sore, so I’ll enjoy a shorter walk tomorrow. Chat soon! Miss you all! 

Buen Camino, 

Hannah + Tony