Hello! Today marks 1 full week of walking the Camino!! Who would’ve thought this would be where we are at right now. Praise God! So far we’ve managed with no blisters and no injuries – please pray that continues! Also, I apologize in advance, today will be a long post. It was just such a good day! 

We left Zariquiegui and headed for Puente La Reina. For my Dad, it was 12km, and for myself it was 17km due to a detour I took with a friend to check out a remote church. I certainly was tired by the end! It was a hot day mid-afternoon, but beautiful blue skies. And the best part: wind turbines. 

My Ontario family will back me up when I say – I. Love. Wind turbines. I have such an odd love for them, I know, but I can’t help it. They bring me so much joy. And today, we got to walk past soooo many wind turbines and get nice and close. Close enough that I hugged one, and laid underneath it listening to the calming whooshing. (Yes, I know this is weird. Oh well.) I was truly bursting with excitement and joy, and I think today might actually be the highlight of the Camino so far for me. So be warned: many photo’s of wind turbines are coming up. 

We also reached a very famous point in the Camino where there are metal ‘statues’ of pilgrims and animals hiking along the Pyrenees, and it’s basically required to take a photo. It really felt like we were truly on the Camino at this point, since you see so much of these statues while planning the trip. 

On our walk a group of young school kids went by us, all wishing us an excited “BUEN CAMINO!”. Later, when my friend and I detoured to this old church, it turned out the kids were there, having Mass in the church! We got to sit in and listen to the most joyful singing that only comes from school children. It was beautiful to be a part of. 

We met lots of new people today, and shared dinner with 4 others. It was so nice to enjoy a meal with people we’ve walked with for a few days as well as new people. You feel like family very quickly! 

So today was a good day. Good weather, good food, good company, good prayer, good views, AND wind turbines. I am just elated. As for my Dad (I should share more on his side), his sun burns are healing well and he’s so happy to be here. He’s always in a good mood and has displayed incredible perseverance. It’s great to be journeying together! 

For now, it is much past my bedtime so I’ll close. I don’t anticipate a good sleep. I am on a top bunk with no railings so I’m worried I’ll fall off in the middle of the night haha. Please enjoy the many photos of majestic wind turbines, and as always, please keep praying for us. You are with us every step of the way. 

Buen Camino! 

Hannah + Tony