Helloooo! I titled this as “Late” for two reasons – the day ended very late, and the post is also late haha. By the time I got everything in order, I was so exhausted I pretty much forgot about the post altogether despite my Dad reminding me. We didn’t get to our hostel until about 8pm, showered, ate, got organized for the next day, and went to bed by 11:30pm. It was a long day. 

We had breakfast early in the morning and by 8am began walking. We completed 21km yesterday (if my memory is correct) and it took about 12 hours (with breaks). A long day for sure. We stopped at a couple little churches to check out the history, and we were so lucky to meet a priest in one town who unlocked the church to give us a tour and give us a blessing for our trip! God is so good. We continued walking with our friend, Angela, for the day, and we all stayed at the same hostel again. 

To be honest, I already forget a lot of what happened yesterday haha. I just remember it was long and tiring haha. This is also why I need to keep on top of posts – if I don’t, I forget quickly. I do remember I took a shower in the dark, thanks to motion activated lights in bathrooms being placed in the worst spots. It’s all part of the experience I guess! 

Overall, my Dad and I are sore but we are surviving, and figuring out what works best for us. We tend to walk at our own pace, so I go ahead of him, and then sit and rest while I wait for him, and then we play leap frog. We do walk together at times and chat, but it’s often nice for each of us to have no pressure to change pace and walk as we feel comfortable. 

It’s been an amazing experience thus far, but we sure are looking forward to less inclines! I’ll be writing about Day 17 right away, so you can expect back to back posts. Thanks for journeying with us! We are carrying you all with us in spirit. 

Buen Camino!

Hannah + Tony