Hello! What a day it’s been. My Dad and I set off from Ventosa to Najera, about 8km I believe. It was really the perfect walk – my dad loved it because of the lack of hills! Haha. Today we walked together the entire time, and chatted lots. Although I must admit, I did most of the talking while my Dad listened patiently. Having three daughters would make a Dad become a good listener that’s for sure haha. 

We walked by a man who was playing the guitar and harmonica, and it was the most beautiful music! We wish we had stayed longer to soak it in. There are so many little moments like this along the Camino that you really need to take in while you can because it may never come around again. We travelled along ancient Roman roads, which was quite crazy to think about! I can only imagine the thousands, if not millions of people that have stepped foot in the same places we have and walked the same path. Unbelievable.

We met with a friend in Najera and said our goodbyes, since it’s the last time we’d be seeing him before we go. It was sad, but also so joyful to have made such a good friend in a short time. We will certainly remain in touch! 

I booked us a hotel for the night since Najera was very very busy and full. It has been nearly impossible to find accommodation here for a few days now, so I had to scoop up what I could. But it worked out well because we have a room to ourselves, and could nap and relax to our hearts content. There isn’t much around us since we are off the highway, so we really just rested and chatted and planned the final pieces of the trip. We haven’t had a full day of rest this entire trip and this is the closest yet, so we have loved it! 

Today wasn’t overly exciting in terms of seeing or doing lots of different things, but I did really love just walking at my Dad’s pace and spending that quality time together. It was hard to think we’d be leaving soon, so I really wanted to spend every moment we could walking together, praying together, and enjoying the Camino. 

Tomorrow we will walk a final 4km before departing for Bilbao, where we fly out of. It is so bittersweet. I don’t want to stop walking. Yet at the same time, I know going home is what is best. We will be back!! I can’t wait to finish the Camino and I know my Dad has said he’s excited to have something to look forward to. And as he also mentioned, the Camino will continue on even when we’re home, since it isn’t just about a destination but the journey. (Sounds cliche but it really is so true.)

Enjoy some silly and fun photos from the day, and remember to take some time for yourself to relax and rest! 

Buen Camino!

Hannah + Tony