Hello! What a day it’s been. Today, we had our final walk of the first part of our Camino journey. We walked a simple 4km from our hotel to Nájera, where we got transportation to Haro, to then take a train to Bilbao. We prayed together, conversed, and also walked in silence, as we enjoyed the last bit of our Camino. 

When we first arrived in Nájera, we stopped for coffee before heading to the information centre to try and catch a bus. Sadly, our little detour got us to the info centre at 10:18, and the last bus we could catch to Haro was at 10:15. Our indulgences cost us a pretty penny since we then had to take a taxi! Regardless, we reached our destinations which is all that mattered. 

I left my walking poles in Haro, and said goodbye to the half broken, uneven, battered poles that were given to me the day after mine disappeared. At first I didn’t think they’d work given the state of them, but they actually served me incredibly well and I grew to enjoy them. However, they simply won’t fit in my bag to come home, so I’ve said goodbye and look forward to buying a new set when I’m home. 

My Dad may be saying goodbye to his beloved walking stick, but we won’t know until Friday morning when we check in at the airport. Say a prayer there is a way for it to come with us!! 

We are in Bilbao for tonight and tomorrow, then flying out Friday morning. Bilbao is a city of over 1 million people and seems to be a very ‘artsy’ place with many museums and sculptures around the city. We explored for the afternoon, taking in the sights and sounds. We saw “Puppy”, literally a sculpture of a puppy made out of flowers. There was also a giant spider sculpture that was as creepy as it was cool. Bilbao is a bustling city that seems to smell bad in a lot of areas haha. Bilbao has some beautiful views and we were thankful to have the time to relax and take it in, even though we were very hot and tired. 

We got lucky and have a late check out from our hotel, so we plan to sleep in and enjoy a slow morning before a long day + night before our flight home. Please pray for us that we may have safe travels to all places, and that things go smoothly for us! Planning this last minute departure has been incredibly hectic but so far things have panned out. 

Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and understanding. Much love to all of you! Please enjoy a huge photo dump from the day, haha.

Buen Camino, 

Hannah + Tony