Hello dear friends. Today was our last full day in Spain. It is still so hard to believe that soon we will be back on Canadian soil and tending to our lives back home. There are still so many emotions filled with this decision. I am sad to not be walking the Camino right now. Sad we did not have the 0630 wake up, trekking off to the next town with just our packs and poles, and thoughts in our minds. I miss the sound of the birds chirping and the water flowing, or the wind blowing around us as we walk in a serene silence, which was only broken by nature. 

This trip has been a miraculous one. One that neither my Dad or I will ever forget, and will forever cherish. We haven’t even left Spain yet and already cannot wait to come back and continue the journey and experience the growth that comes from the Camino.

Today we slept in, which I must admit, was a lovely change from 0630 wake up times haha. We meandered through Bilbao, taking in the sights yet again, and doing some bits of shopping. We enjoyed coffee and warm weather. A bus took us to the airport in the early afternoon, and we had intended to lock up our bags at the airport and head back to town. However, it turns out there are no storage lockers at this airport and we decided to take the simple + easy route: stay at the airport so we don’t have to walk around town with our packs for hours. 

Although that is a somewhat boring choice, we did enjoy the slow pace and were happy to rest knowing that no more decisions had to be made. Transportation has been figured out, no more hotels, no more bookings, no more rushing. We could simply sit, and be. And what a relief that was! 

As I write this, we’ve been in the airport for just over 12 hours. My Dad is asleep on a row of chairs, and I’ve been awake all night journaling, doing sudoku, repacking my things, pacing, and waiting. I’m really hoping I get a good seat on the planes and can sleep most of the flights! 

Please say a special prayer for us, that we may have safe flights and safe travel home. There is a thunderstorm and plenty of rain coming into BC and 2 of the areas we are flying into. This makes me nervous that we won’t be able to land, or will have major delays. Please pray all goes well and that I can relax and let go of the worry! God will provide and take care of us. 

Again, thank you for being a part of our journey. We are so happy we could do these posts and have the support of so many wonderful people. We feel blessed to have you all journey with us. We will have a few more posts coming, which I hope you don’t mind, since we are no longer walking. 

Praying for you all – we will see many of you, + Canada, soon! 

Buen Camino, 

Hannah and Tony