Missing the Camino.

It’s been a few days back home and I’m having a somewhat tough time adjusting. Unfortunately, but with good reason, our trip was cut short but it has not ended. The Camino courses through my veins now and things have changed. Even when one stops walking the Camino, the Camino moves on.

Over the last weeks I have been exhausted, ached in places I never knew could ache, and pushed myself to go on when I wanted to give up. I was frustrated, uncertain, discouraged and at times concerned for the day.


I have met many wonderful people from across the world sharing one thing in common, the Camino. I have walked on ancient Roman roads, touched the stones of 12th century churches and followed the path of Napoleon over the Pyrenees mountains of France to Spain. I have seen beauty beyond imagination. I have traveled rolling, lush hills and valleys, and soaked up the beauty of Spain. I have experienced another world. I journeyed with Hannah and revelled in that journey. She was my navigator, banker and helper. She was and is a truly remarkable young woman. I was the envy of many parents.

Pope Benedict, in an address given at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in 2010, gave this summary of Catholic pilgrimage:

“To go on pilgrimage is not simply to visit a place to admire its treasures of nature, art or history. To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself, where his grace has shone with particular splendor and produced rich fruits of conversion and holiness among those who believe.

A pilgrimage is a transformative spiritual journey.

Hannah said something simple and extremely profound. We had just crested a steep hill and a man was setting up to play music for the pilgrims. We continued walking. As we walked away we could hear his music. It was beautiful. Hannah said, “We should have stopped.” We didn’t. I wish I would have. I’ve heard it many times before, stop and smell the roses. This time I listened and learned from Hannah’s wise words, such is the Camino.

Hannah and I are happy to talk to anyone about our journey. So many things to say. So many things and experiences to absorb. Writing it all is like trying to fit the sun into a flashlight.

I’m starting to plan Camino 2024 if anyone’s interested.

Buen Camino.
