Hello everyone, welcome back to our Camino blog! In case you haven’t heard, my Dad and I are returning to Europe to continue the Camino de Santiago along the French Way, picking up where we left off. If you’re new here, let me fill you in. My Dad and I got just over 200km of the Camino done last year (2023) before we had to suddenly return home early due to a family emergency. Since then, we always intended to return and finish. We won’t be able to complete the Camino this year, but we are going back so we can do as much as possible, and then next year (2025) we will return one more time to finish it all. The Camino route we are doing is 800km in total, so it is by no means short! We are excited to be continuing, and can’t believe the time has already come!

We left Kamloops this morning at 6 A.M for our first flight of 4, ending in Toulouse, France. We will be spending all of Holy Week and Easter in Lourdes, and then on Easter Monday we are going to Spain where we left off last year and will begin the pilgrimage. We hope you can join us again on this journey, and that you enjoy reading our updates and seeing our photos!

Please know of our prayers for all of you. Please pray for us, that we may have a safe trip start to finish, and that we may be open to whatever it is God wants to reveal to us and teach us during this time. If you have prayer requests, please comment on our posts to let us know. You can also send either of us a direct email if you prefer it to be private. We also welcome comments of encouragement 😉 Thank you for being here, we can’t wait to get started!

Buen Camino! Hannah + Tony