Hello! As I write this, I am a bit behind in posting. Whoops! We have been so busy with the celebrations of Holy Week, and late nights + very early mornings, that there is not often a good time to sit and write.

For the Easter Triduum, there has been a late Mass (or service on Friday) each day that has taken us late into the evening. In the mornings during the Triduum, we have participated in praying the Tenebrae (morning prayer) with many priests who lead it for us. Between all of this we have enjoyed lots of walking, praying, sight seeing, and napping!

On Good Friday, after Tenebrae, we went to the ‘High Stations’ just outside of the Lourdes Sanctuary, and meditated on the Stations of the Cross. There are many statues depicting each station, all very big and impressive. This was a very solemn, meditative time, to remember all that Christ suffered and endured for our sins. We went to the evening service, and spent a good portion of the day in prayer.

Good Friday is the only day thus far that has rained on us, and how fitting that was.

I will be updating shortly on the next couple days, and will continue to add more photos. Moving forward, we anticipate having more time each day to make a post, and keep you all up to date on our journey.

Thank you for following along. We are thankful for you all, and we are praying for you.

God Bless,

Hannah and Tony