Hello everyone! We have officially completed day 1 of the Camino! My Dad and I are excited to have finally started part 2 of the trip. Prepare yourselves for many photos. 

This morning we spent some time in our favourite church one more time before catching a taxi to Najera. Once we arrived, we visited an amazing church called Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Real. It is full of history from as early as the 11th century – including many sarcophagus’ of very powerful people at that time. After that, the walking began. 

Today we did a simple 7km. The first few days aren’t going to be long, depending on where we can stop since we aren’t doing more than 12km a day. We left Najera and headed for Azofra. It took a bit of time to work out the small kinks and get our packs organized how we liked them last year. But once everything was in order it was smooth sailing! The sun was hot but we had nice gusts of wind to cool down. There were many rolling hills making for a bit more of a workout, and we walked by a ton of vineyards as per usual. Many of you know I have had knee problems for years. They don’t act up too often, but of course, I woke up with very sore knees and the walking wasn’t much help. I’m hoping tomorrow will be better, please pray for me! 

In Azofra we found a nice hostel for the night and explored the town a little bit. It is very small and very old, but has a cozy charm to it. We immediately got back into the usual routine: make your bed, shower, wash clothes, eat food. Washing clothes by hand is by far the worst part, but it’s otherwise been quite relaxing! 

Tomorrow will be approximately 8-9km to get to the next town called Ciruena, which should leave us plenty of time in the afternoon to explore and rest. 

We hope you enjoy the photos! Chat soon, 

Hannah and Tony