Hello! Today we had a short and sweet walk, 7km from Santo Domingo to Granon. We intentionally stopped here because there is a hostel run by the church that has amazing reviews. Although we had a short walk, I can feel my first blister coming on. I’ve also since bought some knee tape, so one foot and both knees are now taped and ready to go! Pray I get no further blisters! 

We had a lovely morning checking out the Cathedral, bell tower and Franciscan convent in Santo Domingo before heading to Granon. All were spectacular, and well worth the visit. 

On arrival at our hostel we did the usual: shower, wash clothes, make bed, eat. We spent most of the afternoon in the hostel visiting and playing card games with new friends. This hostel is very much a family feel. We had a communal dinner that everyone helped prepare, we attended Mass together, and had a small sharing circle after dinner. 

At this hostel you sleep on mats on the floor, all  in the upper loft of the building. It’s quite a quaint spot and reminds me a lot of the cabins I grew up in at Camp. There’s the most bizarre attic space for washing clothes (I’ll post a picture later), and you can also access the church and the bell tower from here. The hostel is directly attached to the church so it makes for an even more wonderful experience. I got a private tour to the bell tower and minutes after arriving the bell directly beside me rang multiple times. Admittedly, it scared me initially so I screamed really loud hahah. 

Before Mass a couple kids and their Mom came by, offering to give us a free tour of the town so they could practice English. Granon is now only 200 people, and is basically kept going by pilgrims. They kids were so adorable and did great. Since my Dad and I were the only ones with English as a first language, they asked many questions, so we all got to learn! 

As for now, everyone is asleep but me as I write by the fire. Days have been busy and long so I’ve been a bit neglectful of posting, but they will come around! 

Thanks for keeping up with us. We love to read your comments so don’t hesitate to reach out! God Bless, 

Hannah and Tony

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P.P.S. Sadly I am having some issues uploading a couple more photos so they will likely be added to tomorrows post.