Hello all! Day 6 (Monday) was our first rainy day on the Camino, and it didn’t go easy on us.

First thing in the morning someone took my poles by accident. I was prepared to be pole-less (or take whatever was left when everyone had gone out), but thankfully the lady came back after she realized! Praise God! 

We then walked a solid 18km, doing more than we anticipated! We were both feeling great and decided to go as far as we could while we still had energy. Unfortunately, though, we got caught in quite a bit of rain for about 2 hours total. We pulled out our ponchos and they were a lifesaver. With that said – I got a good example of why you should always test something before you keep it. The poncho barely fit over me and my pack. Thankfully my Dad has a cover for his bag, so he just wore the poncho as usual. I will attach some photos for comedic relief of our suffering in the rain. My Dad likes to call it my “ninja turtle look” haha.

All in all, it really wasn’t that bad. I personally love being in the rain. So long as I have the right gear, I love the rain. Especially playing sports in the rain, or going for a hike. So I must say, I was pretty stoked the whole time. We had winds of up to 65km/hr, and if it weren’t for that the rain wouldn’t have been so bad. AND, I got to see my favourite sight – wind turbines. I. Love. Wind turbines. I was elated, to say the least. 

We ended in Atapuerca, in the cutest and coolest hostel. It was basically like being in a cabin! Everything was beautiful wood, and so so cozy. We made some great friends from Germany and Italy, and met the second Canadian on our trip so far! 

Not a whole lot to report other than beautiful weather, and then not so beautiful weather. Dry, and then wet. Cold, and then warm. Overall, another great day on the Camino. Many prayers were said, and lots of thanksgiving to God. We are so grateful to be here and have this experience. I told my Dad that of everything back home, I’m currently missing my sweatpants, oversized hoodies and bathroom the most hahah. I look forward to having those things back! 

Thank you all for praying for us. You are always in our prayers, and I hope you enjoy the mass amount of photos coming! 

God Bless, 

Hannah and Tony