Hello! Today was truly a beautiful day! (Thursday, I’m a bit behind haha). We have officially made it under the 500km mark! (Honestly I think we did a day or two ago and didn’t even know it). We began the middle section of the Camino, called the Meseta. It’s known for being a long, windy dirt road, that is relatively flat, and right in the middle of fields that go as far as the eye can see. A lot of people say they get the illusion that the road will never end, and because the terrain hardly changes, they find this section difficult and even boring to get through. 

However, for my Dad and I, we have found it to be the opposite. Sure, today is only day 1 of the Meseta (currently I don’t remember how long it will last), but at the end of the day we both shared how much we enjoyed it. My Dad loves the minimal elevation gain, and the scenic views. I, too, liked the views (specifically the windmills for miles), and felt like what we experienced today is the true essence of the Camino. Something about it just felt right, being a pilgrim in that setting. Not to mention, half the time I felt like I was looking at the old Microsoft Window’s 10 background which was fantastic haha. 

We got some sandwich items on our way through one of the towns and decided to wait until later to make it. However, that was a poor decision it turns out. I was far too hungry to wait any longer, so we parked ourselves on some rocks and grass and I made our sandwiches in my lap. After eating, not even 200 meters away, A BENCH. And then, MORE BENCHES. If only we knew, life could’ve been so much easier. But now it makes for a good story and photos. I also managed to sneak in a couple little naps in some peculiar places. If the Camino has proven anything, it’s that I can sleep anywhere. 

We eventually made it to a beautiful hostel that had a spa, of all things! My Dad was insistent that we would be staying at that hostel and I was going to the spa. Out of pure generosity and kindness, my Dad paid for me to spend an hour at the spa, and for me to have dinner provided by the hostel. What a lovely gesture, and soooo appreciated. The spa was beautiful, with a pool, different jets and water massage things (I have no clue what they’re called), and a steam room! It was pure bliss and a nice moment of relaxation after all this walking. Now I’ve got to find a way to treat him, seeing as he isn’t really the ‘spa’ type, haha!

Anyways, I’m about one day behind per post, and I apologize. I hope to catch up. We have been spending so much time on regular daily tasks and then visiting with new friends in the evenings that the posts are sometimes neglected. Believe it or not, these are a bit more effort than one might think! But it’s well worth it and I’m so glad many of you enjoy them. 

We are praying for you! God Bless, 

Hannah and Tony