Hi all! We have officially walk 2 full weeks on the Camino, what a journey it has been! 

We walked a wild 23km (unintentionally). We thought it was just under 20km but clearly we were wrong. The morning started off great, having coffee with friends after about 5km of walking. But from that point on – disaster. Kind of. 

At this point, there were two trail options. Similar distances but different terrain. Dad was unaware of this and since he left first we all just follow in his footsteps. I ended up ahead of him with some others and we all got lost in the next town, accidentally moving off our trail onto the other one (they ran semi-parallel to each other). We thankfully noticed, got back on track, and then I stayed to wait for Dad. However, he was no where to be found. I walked to the start of the village and asked some pilgrims if they saw him, to which they said no. 

I decided to wait a bit longer just in case and then get going. It seemed likely that Dad did what we did, went to the other trail and instead of correcting it, just continued on. So after a total of 1.5 hours of waiting for him (way longer than I thought) I started hustling to the next down via the alternate route. I was slightly worried something may have happened to him, so I was really pushing myself. So much so that I jogged part of it to save time. I got to the next town – nothing. So off I went to the next town. As I was walking through I heard “Hannah!!” And there was Dad, enjoying a coffee at the cafe. I was so thankful, I yelled “oh my gosh you’re alive!!!” At this point we had been separated for 3 hours. I explained to Dad what happened and we ultimately laughed it off, grateful it all worked out in the end. 

I was completely exhausted by this point, having walked almost 10km in 1 hour (lightning speed for my little legs). We had lunch and set off to the next place. Although, I left after him, and it turns out he went down the wrong path again so we randomly met when the paths converged later on. Needless to say, the day was a bit of a struggle. On top of the fact that it felt like it was dragggggiiinnnng on, which we now understand is because we actually did 23km and not 18km haha. 

By the end my Dad was quite exhausted, the heat had taken a toll on us both, and I was sporting a new limp due to blisters. 

Blister count: Hannah = 7. Dad = 0. Thankfully two of my blisters are mostly healed, but still require some management. Unfortunately, the other 3 I already had are now worse, and probably because of my frantic walking and jogging I gained 2 more. I can’t really walk properly now, so I’ll be walking like a weirdo for a bit. 

This portion of the walk also brought us to the mid-way point of the entire Camino! We have officially walked 400km and made it to Sahagun! Only 400km more to go! The picture of us between the pillars is the official halfway mark that we walked through!

We got into our hostel late, but were so excited to get a room to ourselves with our own bathroom! And the best part is the bath tub! We got ourselves organized and cleaned up, ate dinner and went to bed. We didn’t have energy for much else unfortunately. But despite the long day, we made it through and are glad to get some good rest. 

2 weeks down!! Keep us in your prayers, and we are praying for you always. God Bless, 

Hannah and Tony