Hello! What a lovely day we had! My Dad and I made the decision to take today (Wednesday) as a much needed rest day. The day before really wiped us out, and with all my blisters, we thought it best to take a day to relax our bodies. 

We got to enjoy breakfast at the hostel and then from 8:30-12:30 had to leave while they cleaned, and then came back to stay another night. We went up to an old museum that has a really cool museum inside. The museum had a wide range of copied letters from all different events. Some from the World Wars, one found in a bottle in the ocean, a letter from Einstein, George Bush, and many more. A very interesting thing to see, yet so random! 

At that same church we got to receive the half-way Compostela! This isn’t the final one, obviously, but at the very least it will prove we came halfway – 400km of pure walking! 

We spent the afternoon drinking coffee, eating, napping and relaxing. We went to Mass, received another beautiful pilgrims blessing, and shared a communal meal with other pilgrims at the hostel. Everyone brought something to share, and the priests gave a brief talk. As are all these experiences, it was wonderful. We are so grateful to be staying in Catholic hostels when we can, where they embrace everyone with the love of Christ and draw us all near to Him as we journey. 

We pray you are all well! Tomorrow we set off for another 18.5km day! Wish us luck. God Bless,

Hannah and Tony