Hola!! Today (Friday) we made our way another 18km and got to Mansilla de las Mulas. Tomorrow, we will be making our way into the big city of Leon! 

We had a pretty good and steady walk. I let substantially later than my Dad and we met up at a cafe for lunch. Right before lunch my Dad met some lovely Spanish police and this time he got a photo with them! I’m convinced we have a thing with the Spanish police, and I’m sure next year there will be more stories. 

When we met at the cafe it was such a nice feeling to take a break, get some food and a cold drink and then continue on. I even fell asleep in my chair after my Dad left. The owner of the cafe + hostel was extremely friendly and very enthusiastic. I have a picture with him that I’ll post. As I was saying good-bye to the owner I took my sunglasses off. At the same moment he said, “OH MY! YOUR EYES!” Sooo loudly and excitedly. All I could do was laugh. He proceeded to say, “Oh!! My heart!! Your eyes!! They’re so nice!” I honestly had no clue what to say so I just kept laughing. He was very kind and friendly, and was very outgoing with all of us. He eventually RAN, actually RAN, into the building to get his phone because he wanted a selfie. So we made a deal: if he gets a selfie then so do I, haha! I eventually left and my Dad and I met up again shortly before reaching town. 

The hostel we were wanting to stay at was full, so we got a hotel room (for a very good price) that is associated with the hostel. We had a nice private room with our own bathroom and really comfy beds (something I’ve been missing from home is my bed, big time). After spending so many days with so many people and almost no privacy, these stays are very welcomed and appreciated. 

Both of us were pretty beat, so we did some grocery shopping, ate dinner, and spent the rest of the evening relaxing however we wanted. When we are more energetic we will wander the town, but some days that just isn’t in the cards haha. 

Overall it was a beautiful day! My Dad met a guy from Oregon, and they walked for a bit together. Meanwhile, I also met a guy from Oregon, and it turns out that they are father and son! It was pretty cool to realize we had each met up with the duo, totally separate from the other and didn’t even know it. It also turns out that they have family in Kamloops and have gone many times to visit! Such a small world. Most Canadians have never heard of Kamloops, let alone Americans that we’ve met in Spain. Every day I am surprised by the people we meet. 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day to get to Leon so we are looking forward to it! 

Hannah and Tony 

Take care and God Bless!