Day 19 – Smooth Sailing

Good morning/afternoon/evening, whatever it might be where you are! It is currently 10pm here and due to technical difficulties I will be posting this tomorrow (on day 20), but it will come.  Today we walked from Sansol to Viana, 11km. It was a pretty hot day. As...

Day 18 – Change of Plans

Hello everyone! I am excited to share some news with you all – it’s bittersweet, really. Today my Dad left ahead of me, and an hour later I started walking to catch up to him. Just before we reached the village of Sansol, we met up, and my Dad proposed a new...

Day 17 – It’s Heating Up

Hello again! Today was a pretty good day! We are in Los Arcos for the night before heading off to Viana tomorrow. Today we walked 22km, with an approximate temperature high of 26 degrees. My Dad said he didn’t notice the heat much at all, whereas I did notice it but...

Day 16 – Late

Helloooo! I titled this as “Late” for two reasons – the day ended very late, and the post is also late haha. By the time I got everything in order, I was so exhausted I pretty much forgot about the post altogether despite my Dad reminding me. We didn’t get to...

Day 15 – One Week on the Camino!

Hello! Today marks 1 full week of walking the Camino!! Who would’ve thought this would be where we are at right now. Praise God! So far we’ve managed with no blisters and no injuries – please pray that continues! Also, I apologize in advance, today will be a...

Day 14 – It’s Getting Easier!

Hello! Today we arrived in Zariquiegui (don’t ask me how to pronounce it, I still haven’t learned), and walked 12km to get here from Pamplona. It was a perfect day – slightly cloudy so it wasn’t too hot, no rain as we walked, and very minimal wind to cool you...

Day 13 – Wet in Pamplona

Hello all! Today was our first rainy day on the Camino as we travelled from Zabaldika to Pamplona. It was an 8.4km stretch, fairly flat, raining the entire way up until we finished the walk, of course haha. We spent lots of time by the river with lovely views and...

Day 12 – Slow and Steady

Hello everyone! Day 12 is done, and fittingly, we completed another 12km on our 4th day of walking. Today was hot and slow. We slept in this morning, and by 0845 were on the road. The heat did us in come early afternoon and made every step that little bit...

Day 11 – Tough

Hi all! Today we completed 22km and are staying in Zubiri for the night! It was a big day. Due to some circumstances, today was actually the first day we walked with our packs on. And oh boy, does it make a difference. Although there were less inclines today, the...

Day 10 – The Pyrenees Complete

Hi all! Today we walked 15km through the Pyrenees mountains to finish off the section and made our way in Roncesvalles, Spain!  We walked in winds up to 40km/h, quite literally being blown off the trail, walking like a drunker sailor trying not to fall over....